30-The Last Day On Earth
= Day 26
.The one which is the last day on Earth
=== Back at "Camp" (Skydagger Peak)
- We got caught using some powers that was percieved as 'unfair'. That's why "The Survivors" group left the facility out of protest.
- "The Realists" remain locked up, for safety reasons.
- The research on the "Accelerator Array" comes along well. This is a launch mechanism for some sort of capsules that are supposed to be slingshotted into space. A spaceship will be assembled in space from everything that made it.
- Our enemies still don't seem to know our plans, good news.
- Regardless of where we go, the journey will take a while. More than a lifespan.
- A decision is still to be made: Do we create living conditions, and live on the ship for generations? Or do we freeze the passangers and have most of the journey automated?
- Another idea is rased: freezing embryos as a backup.
- We decide to plan for a human crew plus frozen embryos as a fallback.
- Once we start launching stuff into orbit, we have probably less than a day to wrap up everything before our enemies will have adapted and will put a stop to the migration.
- We will extract genetic samples from all our soldiers and refugees. So even the ones that won't make it will have their legacy carried to new worlds.
- We're thinking about where to go. Another planet close by? A world on the other side of the milky way? Or another galaxy entirely?
- In the end we will aim for a closer world. The risk that we are followed is definitely highest, but the chance that we will make it there is too.
- We need to
- Finish the main ship
- Construct the accelerator to launch pods
- Construct pods
- Ideally we also
- Scan Fugitives for corruption
- Set traps and ambush points
- Put up extra defensive lines
- Reconnoiter enemy force composition
- Optionally we help to break out Arah'Halets forces
== Mission: "Reconnoiter enemy force composition" (Siv)
- *Siv* sneaks towards the enemy lines: Mainly machine cultists, heavy weapon bots. They seem to take apart some bots and re-build big ones
- *Siv* finds out more: Where's Breaker and minions?! Shenannigans must be incoming
- With *Zayaevich* having her back, *Siv* finds out that the enemy has drones that will probably launch in one large wave. Furthermore, Scythe (Crabby McCrabFace) will probably sneak - engulfed by fog - into the base and fight in enclosed quarters
== Mission: "Screen Fugitives"
- *Scarlet* manages to screen about 1800 people. Booyah!
- Supported by *Colay* they more than double that output.
- The dream team is at it again and manages to scan everybody and their dogs
== Mission: "Traps, ambush points" (Zayaevich)
- *Zayaevich* has one ambush implemented already! The second one is on the way
== Mission: "Extra defense lines"
- Initial planning is done by *Colay*
== Mission: "Construct accelerator" (Amber Shining Ocean)
- Done. Fuck yeah. *Amber* is Speed.
== Mission: "Finish main ship"
- *Reina* made great progress. Only the paintjob is missing.
- Paint job applied by *Reina*. Shiny and ready for action.
== Mission: "Constructing the pods"
- *Amber* puts together a third of the pods this day. On fire!
- *Amber* and *Reina* wrap up another third
=== Back at "Camp" (Skydagger Peak)
- We set off one of the traps to destroy a pod of whisps that managed to bypass our defenses before they can gather more intel
- On the third day, the enemy wave is incoming. This is the end. Hold your breath and count to ten.
=== Cast
- Everybody. The whole club.
=== TL;DR heroic
- Today everybody is a hero