
24-The Great Hunt

Secondary Mission

  • Mission Type: Assault
  • Mission Goal: Hunt down a great Beast (Success)
  • Specialists: Sniper Siv, Officer Colay
  • Squad: Ghost Owls
  • Losses: Soldier Adrin Merkatovich

= Day 22

== Mission: "The Great Hunt", (secondary)

  • We arrive at the tribes, there's lots of chaotic chatter
  • *Silver Shining Star* welcomes us
  • The tribes are at each other's throats. Yay.
  • *Colay* pulls out his officer insignias and shoots into the air
  • After a brief break, clamor is back on the table
  • There aren't many middle-aged people around, mostly youngsters and old people. The oldest members shout the loudest.
  • *Colay* and *Adrin* pick out the older people and try to connect and pour oil on troubled water
  • At least some of the croud stop shouting and we finally start planning
  • Adrin goes ahead and splits the groups according to the very picky preferences
  • We have 4 groups, somewhat homogeneously mixed with clan members
  • We expect the Big Beast to be guarded by hounds. There's one group that will kite the hounds, two that attack and one in standby to help
  • The diversion group starts well, first charging and then kiting. So far so good.
  • The Big Beast is accompanied by three weird balloon creatures
  • With focus fire we can bring them down, but lose some time
  • In the meantime, the other group already approaches. The Big Guy slashes with its tail, but seems to be under control. For now.
  • Two hotspurs take out their harpoons and try to mount the Beast, one quickly turns to jam, the other is somewhere in its thick fur
  • *Siv* aims and shoots the Big Beast in the eyes, wounding it slightly
  • Now, for the first time, the heavy lump at the end of the Big Beast's tail crashes into the crowd, people and horses tumble
  • In the kiting group, *Adrins* horse stumbles in morass. Bones break, they both go down and *Adrin* lands on his left arm, leaving it shattered
  • He shoots the horse and a tribesmember stops to cut *Adrin* out of his entangled stirrups
  • The hounds notice them and a small group of six splits off, charging towards them
  • They try to escape towards more swampy ground, but his tribe buddy struggles and gets torn to pieces
  • A hound drops on *Adrin* and throws him to the ground
  • Deadly wounded, there's only one option left...
  • 💣 💥 BOOOOM!
  • In the meantime, *Siv* shoots the Big Beasts eyes again
  • The tribe members keep firing at the head and manage to wound it further
  • *Colay* spots more of the floaty critters. Below them are more hounds, crouching in the grass. Uh oh!
  • *Zayaevich* keeps firing on the head. The tail-whip snaps in his direction, he manages to jump out of the way in the last split-second.
  • By now the Beast is wounded and starts running away
  • Now the chase begins! We try to wear it out. *Sivs* group goes ahead and leads the chase.
  • The other attack team regroups and they prepare for the hand-over to switch chasing-groups
  • *Colay* organize a scouting action to assess the situation. They find a dead horse stuck in the mud. In the vicinity they pick up a splinter group that split off earlier. They had mild losses, but managed to shake off the hounds.
  • *Colay* convinces four tribesmembers and one of our Rookies to briefly search for survivors
  • Hand-over! *Sivs* attack group falls back and regroups, while *Zayaevichs* group picks up the chase.
  • They ride through swampy terrain again. *Zayaevich* briefly struggles to keep up the pace and falls back a bit.
  • Thanks to being behind a bit, he spots a red flare: the sign for trouble
  • He checks it out and finds one of the earlier groups surrounded by hounds
  • *Zayaevich* slings some explosive charges into the hounds. The tribesmembers charge through the opening and manage to escape
  • *Sivs* group is supposed to take over the chase again. *Colay* spots a group of hounds that approaches the chasers to cut them off.
  • *Colay* plans to intercept the intercepters, but loses some members on the way
  • Attack! The group manages to pin the hounds, but *Colay* eats some steel and gets wounded. But the ambush is averted.
  • In a second charge, they completely obliterate the hounds.
  • After a long chase, the Beast is exhausted and collapses. Victory!
  • *Zayaevich* brings home the split group
  • In the end we can still sweet-talk some tribesmembers to join our Legion

.The one in which we hunt

=== Cast

  • *Silver Shifting Tide* (Sniper, Ole)
  • *Colay Melislavovich* (Officer, Chris)
  • *Adrin Merkatovich* (Soldier, Martin)
  • (*Zayaevich* (Soldier, Martin))

=== TL;DR heroic

  • *Adrin* blows himself and a group of hounds into oblivion
  • *Colay* hauls bombs into a large group of hounds to free surrounded tribesmembers
  • The soldiers walked the walk with blood, sweat, tears and fallen comrades, and now talked the talk to convince tribesmembers to join the Legion

=== Casualties

  • *Adrin Merkatovich*