
Aodhan Und Nissa Diskutieren Einen Brief Von Phylis

Aodhan knocked on the door, half expecting a shouted "Working!". There was no such reaction, of course - Phylis was away with the Rabenzwists, securing support and resources for Alasdair. He slowly opened the door and looked around in the empty laboratory. In the last few days, he had been able to replace most of the things destroyed during his last visit. It was almost too clean now - a clear indication that it wasn't in use.

The only thing set up was a small crystal on a table, held up by silver supports he had fashioned himself. It was such a small and innocent-looking thing it could almost have been jewelry or decoration. Yet after Nissa had told him all she knew about the fateful events that had upended Phylis' life, he was very wary of that crystal. He'd return to study it later, hoping to unravel some of its secrets, find some way to help or protect Phylis. It was strange - usually he had neither time nor ambition to do much about or for his countless children, but somehow this time it was different. Maybe because she'd live for a while instead of dying in a few decades? Maybe because she was already more connected to his life - to the Rabenzwist line - than the vast majority had ever been? He wasn't sure.

He left Phylis' lab for now, heading back to Nissa's. There he once again took Phylis' letter and searched it for any more clues.

"You must know that letter inside out now", Nissa said, briefly looking up from her distillation device.

Aodhan smiled. "Guess so. You don't seem that worried about the crystals she found."

"Oh, I'm worried alright. It's just that I've been worrying about her for the past decade, so I'm more used to it."

"But this is the first time she's traveling since ..."

"Yes. It seems she has finally recovered enough from the disaster to find more of her old self."

"Hmm, if you say so. But her old self was also a dedicated agent of the Lord's Alliance, and she didn't write to Lord Neverember, only to us. Why? Does it not risk drawing more suspicion?"

"I'd guess she wants facts to report, not rumors. The topic of her accident and condition is very private to her and very sensitive around court. Many still distrust her. They'd love rumors like this to shape as they see fit. Still, you're right. Guess she's not only finding more of her old self but also a bit of a new one. I'd say that's a good thing."

"It is. It's a very important step in healing the mental scars. It's also a very dangerous thing. I saw what those crystals did when the young mage tried to use them. Imagine what a whole mine filled with them could do. Or, even worse, whatever those crystals are ... attuned to."

"Danger is part of live, didn't you say so yourself?" Nissa remarks as she continues distilling some viscous liquid.

"I did, but that was while I was in Summer. I'm back to Autumn now. So I worry."

"I noticed. You haven't been half as active lately keeping me from work."

Aodhan managed to blush a bit. "Oh. Sorry."

"Don't be." Nissa looked up at him after removing the flask holding the distillate. "Anyhow, I forgot to tell you. There will be a new Zeddlefeddle in about eight months."

"Er, oh, wow. That's good news, if not unexpected. Quite the setting to tell me, though."

"Ah, don't pretend at being a romantic. Don't write it in your reply, either."

"Erm, Phylis knows, you know. About us."

"Of course she does. My girl is an invalid, not an idiot. Doesn't mean we have to rub it in."

Nissa set the flask aside to come over to the Eladrin and take his arm.

"Did you find anything useful about those crystals?", she asked.

"No. It's frustrating. I'm supposed to be the old and wise lore master, but I could neither help with the Aboleth, nor can I find anything about Phylis' condition."

"Old and wise, you say? Not sure about the wise thing, but I hope you're not too old yet ...", she said with a wink as she lead him out of the lab.