
Aodhan Und Liadain Schlichten Ein Mißverständnis

"You told them, then? Told them everything?", Aodhan asks. He'd been waiting outside the door while Phylis delivered her report about the expedition into the spell scar.

Phylis looks around before answering, to make sure there's no one who could hear them. "Yep. Told the, showed them. Words are pretty lacking for that, I find." She starts heading down the corridor, still carefully checking for servants that might overhear her. "Doesn't mean I want everyone to know now, but seeing what we're likely heading into, we'll need a good basis of trust to succeed."

Aodhan nods approvingly. "That can't have been easy. It's good to see you deal with it so well. The shock from what that women did ..."

Phylis face distorts into a grimace. "Yeah. You know, I almost killed that bitch ..."

Aodhan hesitates before responding. "In a way, she attacked you first. Sneaking into your room to remove parts of your body ... I'm sure the courts would have understood that."

"The courts, yes. Likely, especially seeing how she was responsible for the death of at least a dozen people, and doing some arcane rituals when we found her.", Phylis answers. She takes a deep breath. "You know me, I'll defend justice from the courts any day. But in this case, I don't think being acquitted by the courts would have helped me much getting over it had I really murdered her."

Aodhan thinks about it for a minute, then smiles. "I know. Can't defend the rules while bending them for yourself. So Liadain is ... ?"

They are interrupted by a curtain they had just passed flaring, small feet quickly dashing away along the corridor. Tilge's voice is screeching "Traitors! I knew! Working behind lord's back! Filthy gnomes! I tell the lord! Oh yes, tell the lord!"

Aodhan sights and covers his face in a palm while Phylis curses loudly. "Stupid lizards. Well, I suppose we better go after her to make sure there are no misunderstandings."

Not deigning to run, they walk after Tilge in the direction of the lord's chamber. As they arrive and knock, they can hear the agitated voice of the kobold from inside, though the words can't be made out.

"Come in", Alasdair shouts.

Phylis takes a moment to compose herself and smooth her features, then opens the door and steps into the room, followed by Aodhan.

"Ah", Alasdair says with a mocking smile as Tilge dashes to hide behind him. "I was expecting you. Tilge was just telling me you reported to the guard captain about how you failed to murder Liadain."

"She said she almost killed her! And that courts would find it justice!", Tilge says from behind Alasdair. "The crystals made her do it! She's bewitched, like your wife! I saw, with the cauldrons! How she reacted. I saw!"

Alasdair turns around, a hint of impatience in his voice. "Yes, I heard you, Tilge. Would you go fetch Liadain? Make sure she's ok?"

"Yes!", Tilge says, walking slowly in a big circle around Aodhan and Phylis, then dashing for the door. Once it closes, Alasdair's face turns more serious as he addresses the two. "Care to explain?"

Phylis hesatites a bit, then pulls down her hood, exposing the strangely crystallised back of her head. "My lord. After what we discussed yesterday, do you honestly think I would try to murder your daughter first thing in the morning? And fail, then calmly walk by your room discussing it with your long-time mentor?"

Alasdair smiles a bit, but it's a lopsided smile, more threatening than reassuring. "No, not truly. Still, I'd like to hear how Tilge got that idea. She's not entirely crazy, even if the two of you like to believe it." He gives Phylis a stern look. "And after what we discussed yesterday, you'll know I won't even take an off-chance it's true. So humor me while my niece gets here and confirms she hasn't seen you since we talked last night."


Tilge rushed to get Liadain. Where is she? Not in her room, no. Kitchen maybe? She ran there as quickly as her feet could carry her. No, not in the kitchen either. She ran out again, under the confused gaze of the cook and assistants. Liadain is of the religious kind. Chapel? Tilge swiftly arrived there, and yes! There she was, kneeling on the floor. "I hope she is not under their spell yet," Tilge muttered to herself.

Liadain was kneeling in front of the statue of Chauntea, motionless, mumbling quietly. "Chauntea, I believe that the seeds of prayer I plant today will yield a harvest of blessings in my life, my heart, my spirit and mind. Blessed are the fruits of the Earth and blessed is your name Great Mother."

Tilge is a bit worried now. Liadain is not worshipping her god like normal people do. No war cries, no eviscerating gnomes. She's basically unconcious! And she has seen Liadain do this before. How long was she already bewitched? It must have been weeks! "Liadain! Hey, Liadain!", Tilge shouts. Liadain briefly interrupts her prayer, before continuing quietly. "Chauntea, let our fortune grow on this barren ground. Help us stay on the rightful path and bless us with your wisdom."

"Liadain! Wake up!", Tilge shouted. But no reaction this time. "I _have_ to rescue her!", thought Tilge. What potions had she prepared in her pouch that can dispell such a curse? Hm. Flaming goo? No. Acid bubbles? Probably a bit too agressive. The only thing left was a powder against feet carbuncles. Ah well. Close enough, she guesses, throws the little bag of powder at Liadain and screams: "Kurtulmak, free this poor soul from the witches!" And it worked! Liadain jumped up, but then stared at Tilge angrily. She tried to contain her rage and said with clenched lips, "What are you doing here? I'm trying to pray." She brushes off the powder from her gown. Tilge is confused. "How can you pray without weapons? You were unconcious! You were bewitched and I saved you."

"You did what?" Liadain rubbed her temples and tried to make sense of what happened. "I don't need saving, I'm not cursed. How did you even get that idea? And what is this powder?" Tilge stammers, "It's, aah, a very potent un-bewitching powder. Kobold specialty. But never mind about that. The crystal girl and the old geezer tried to kill you!" "Why would the Lord want to have me dead? We are family," Liadain wonders. "No, the other one, Aodhan!" Liadain is still confused. "I have no idea what's happening, but I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Why don't we talk to Phylis and Aodhan? I'm sure we can solve this." "Yes, yes!" Tilge shouts, "Come with me. The Lord will be judging them. They are already in his chamber."

"What in Chauntea's name is going on here..." Liadain wondered. And then both women rushed back towards the Lord's chambers and open the door.


In the room, there is a brief moment of uncomfortable silence after Alasdair's last remark.

"Well ... she won't be able to confirm that in good faith. I was in her room last night, even though she was out for most of it."

Alasdair's face changes, all humor removed instantly. "You'll want to elaborate on that."

"The fight in the lab took quite a toll on her, as you may remember. When we all headed out from the debriefing in your room, we hung back a bit. She had some questions regarding my ... condition."

"Yeah, I noticed", Aodhan says, earning an angry look from Alasdair that very clearly says "Don't interrupt".

"Well, I answered, we talked a while. As we started to go our ways, I noticed her staggering. Also noticed a small wound opening again."

Alasdair looks incredulous. "So you're saying my niece broke down in front of my door and you didn't think to notify me?"

Phylis actually manages not to look overly intimidated. "With all due respect, my lord, you were pretty badly mauled yourself. It was clear there was nothing life-threatening. I simply helped her back into her room and sent for Aodhan, then kept watch until he arrived."

Alasdair still doesn't look convinced, so Phylis continues.

"I let Aodhan take over and went to get some rest myself. We all badly needed it."

Alasdair shifts his stare towards Aodhan. Aodhan looks back at Alasdair, raising an eyebrow. Both seem to wait for the other to start talking. The silence stretches for quite a bit before it is interrupted by a brief knock on the door, which is then instantly opened by Liadain.

"Uncle! What's going on? Why is Tilge throwing strange powder on me while I'm trying to pray?"

That has everyone looking at Tilge and Liadain, trying to make sense of what Liadain just said.

It is Alasdair who recovers first. "Tilge, out. We'll talk later."

Tilge looks like she is about to comment, but seeing Alasdairs face hurries out of the room.

"The rest, explain. Now."

The rest doesn't really seem to know what to explain until Aodhan starts talking.

"I'm starting to get the picture. Maybe we can sit?"

Reluctantly, Alasdair gestures to a couple chairs at a table in his room, then waits for everyone to get seated before sitting down himself. "Now talk."

"Well, after my daughter left I took a look at Liadain. She was exhausted, but I saw no reason why the small wound should have reopened. So I checked it again ...", he gives Phylis an apologetic look, " ... and I found this inside." He holds up a small crystal fragment. "It must have lodged there from one of the attacking oozes. I took it away to wash the blood off and get clean bandages. Tilge must have seen me and drawn her own conclusions."

The table goes quiet as everyone stares at the tiny, glittering piece in Aodhans hand. Liadain's face shows mostly incomprehension. Aodhan looks on with regret while anger glistens in Phylis' eyes. Alasdair still looks concerned.

"That bitch", Phylis says, "has no idea what she has wrecked."

Alasdair mostly ignores her, instead focusing on Aodhan. "How much danger exactly do these pose to my family? Be honest, old man."

Aodhan looks at Phylis before looking back at Alasdair. "I don't think Phylis is any danger to you. This wasn't her doing, remember?"

Alasdair looks unconvinced. "If more of these break off, will they have similar effects?"

"No.", Phylis says. "They won't."

"I asked Aodhan."

"And how would he know? He's seen this the first time a few days ago. I've been dealing with it for a decade. They are inert if you break them off. Which I would kindly ask you not too - I don't go around removing people's fingernails, either."

"If they are inert, then why the slimes?", Alasdair presses.

"Leana did something, with her magic. I don't understand what exactly, it was pretty hectic in that moment, but ..."

"If you don't understand, I don't see how you can say they are no danger.", Alasdair interrupts her.

"Uncle", Liadain says. "I don't think you're being fair. I don't feel threatened by Phylis, and this can't be any more dangerous than Gwendolyn's episodes."

Alasdair gives her an angry look, but manages to swallow his anger.

"Well. I'd like to know more. You can all be optimistic, but in the end responsibility falls on me. So tell me about the accident."

Phylis looks at him. "It's pretty personal."

"So is danger to my niece. You were talking about trust, were you not?"

"And trust", Aodhan interrupts, "goes both ways, if I may remind you. Would you share everything with someone you've known for a couple days."

Alasdair still doesn't look convinced. "I don't like adding any more unexplained weirdness. We have more than enough already. I need to know."

"Uncle", Liadain says. "She told me a bit, after our meeting yesterday. I can guarantee you, there is only pain down that road, not danger."

Finally, Alasdair relents. "Well, if all of you insist, I will let it go. For now. If", he looks at Phylis, "you promise to share any doubts you have about that 'no danger' with me. Instantly."

"You have my word on that", Phylis says.

Alasdair nods. Everyone loosens up a bit, and Aodhan gets up to pour everyone some wine. He is halfway back to the table when the door opens again, showing Gwendolyn holding the wand of protection.

"Father? Tilge is telling me Aodhan and Phylis are bewitching you. What is ..." her gaze wanders to Phylis' exposed head. "Woah. What's that?"

Alasdair rises. "Well, I guess you can explain some of it. Again.", he says to Phylis. "I'll go sort out that kobold before any more people are involved."