
Jasper Aarensen


Origin: Family Scion

You were less of a child and more of a project to found a dynasty of corporate leadership. Growing up well-tutored but relatively isolated and in constant competition with almost a dozen siblings means you learn how to stake claims and defend them - without resorting to violence, of course.

The thorough selection of embryos for desirable traits means you likely have some physical edges; the time spent leading a junior sports team to success also gives the opportunity to exercise.


Community: Former Sports Team. Only one of them went professional while the rest have moved on with their lives, but it's still the only true camaraderie I had as a youth.

Contact: Aeria, one of my middle sisters. I have little contact anymore to most of my siblings, but somehow Aeria and I always got along a bit better. Aeria is overseeing the logistics division of my parent's company, meaning she is often on the move to inspect warehouses, ports, ships and the like. The fact that this removes her from direct parental influence is probably the reason we get along well.

Tag: Well Connected. Can help get what I need at space ports, as she knows whom to talk to about what.

Access: Orgotek. With high-ranking parents I can get access to restricted areas/projects, up to a certain level.

Role: Director

As CEO of a large company, the job is to make decisions and assign the correct people to the tasks you want done. It's really surprisingly little about doing anything yourself, and social skills are mostly required for preventing the people you assign from second-guessing everything. You don't even do the in-depth analysis yourself, you only interprete the results to make your decisions.

Or, in other words: Since responsibility cannot be shared but work can, your job is to be responsible for combining the work others do into a whole. Of course this also means you need an idea for the whole, and a plan for the future.


Community: <Modern-day equivalent of Paris businness school> classmates. Many of them hold positions in middle and upper management by now. Attending the school is so expensive that anyone going there is essentially guaranteed to land a leadership job due to their rich and influential parents, which in turn means the school has an excellent reputation.

Contact: Mila Naruk. Short-term love affair and long-term friend, Mila was working a stint as musician in one of the clubs we frequented as students. Her actual job is spywork, and she has long since moved away from the university city on different assignments, but for some reason we stayed in touch.

Tag: Sneaky. Can get me intel others don't want me to get.

Access: Company politics. With a few calls I can often determine the stance major companies have on issues, and whether to expect support, interference or indifference from important players.

Society: ISRA

See book.


Community: ISRA rationalists. While both the majority of members and public image of ISRA carry a significant spiritual touch, it is important to note that there are those in ISRA for whom spiritiuality does little. Jasper is one of them. They have formed a community within the ISRA organisation for members to communicate in "direct terms", not clouding things in spriritual language. This does not mean their visions are any less vague; they are simply formulated differently.

Contact: Sharam Hisar. Spiritual advisor in one of the major ISRA houses, we spent a lot of time in discussion after my "awakening" in the Prometheus chamber. While we don't agree on much interpretation-wise, we developed a mutual respect for one another's ability to solve problems the other has trouble with, in particular due to how different we think.

Tag: Thinker. Great for getting a different perspective on things.

Access: Mentorship. Can find access to someone who helps working through specific issues or problems, be it personal ones or decisions to make / enigmas to solve.


  • long Term:
  • short Term:
  • short Term:


  • Intellect 3
  • Cunning 5
  • Resolve 3
  • Might 2
  • Dexterity 2
  • Stamina 2
  • Presence 4
  • Stamina 1
  • Composure 3


  • Aim 1
  • Athletics 1
  • Command [organization] 3
  • Enigmas [complex decisions] 3
  • Corporate Structures - spend a Momentum to add Command to your Enigmas roll
  • Humanities [law] 3
  • Integrity 2
  • Science 1
  • Survival 1


  • Wealth 4
  • Striking 2
  • Mysterious Aid 2
  • Favored Mode: Psychocognition 2

Psion shit

  • Psi 3
  • Aptitude Clairsentience
  • Modes: Psycholocation 2, Psychocognition 2


IED Clairsentience

When using Clairsentience powers:

  • Mode dots count as 1 higher for the purpose of computing power effects (so e.g. shooting lasers with enhancements = mode dots is now enhancements = mode dots +1)
  • increase Psi by 1 for computing dice pools and other factors (duration, power effect, bla bla bla)

Bioweave Armor

  • Complete 3
  • Hard 1
  • Concealable 1
  • Psi++ (whatever that means)
  • Soft 2

Sureshot Gauntlet

  • Enhancements 2/4
  • Range Short
  • Type Ballistic
  • Tags Beam, Destructive, Formatted, Psi Gauntlet, Ranged, Super-Science 1, Tactical Sight