
1-The Jobs

From the personal notes of Jasper Aarensen:

Received a new assignment today. "Simple mission" on a remote planet with some minor trouble in a research lab. My Psychocognition says otherwise, something is off.

I will take my no-good uncle along. This is certainly either a test of my leadership abilities or a punishment for keeping closer ties with ISRA than the company likes. I added two professionals to the crew, just to be sure.

Leaving today on a jump ship. I put my Letters to ISRA on hold for 3 months, which is when the return pickup is scheduled. Restricted files say the lab was researching time travel. I had no idea we researched this, but it sure sounds like something where things go wrong - and where a Clairsentient is at home, with seeing into the future and past.

Curious about how this will play out.