One Unique Thing:
Conceived for a mythical pact btween the Drow and the Dale
- Dale: ~2
- Talertus: -1
- Maab: +1
- Personality 1: I get bitter if Im not the center of attention.
- Personality 2: I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
- Ideal: Aspiration. I'm determined to make something of myself.
- Bond: No one should have to endure the hardships i've been through.
- Flaw: I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake that I will likely repeat.
Nadarr's Seelenreiter
Nachdem Nadarr in den Höllen eingesperrt war, hat "das Dunkle" dafür gesorgt das er befreit werden konnte ... jedoch mit der Seele eines Dämons. Nadarrs Seele befindet sich, ohne dem Wissen seiner Freunde, immer noch in seiner Gefangenschaft.
- Dale: ~1
- Talertus: -1
- Maab: +1
- das Dunkle: +1
- Personality 1: Love to spread chaos and confusion.
- Personality 2: Curious about the mortals.
- Ideal: Aspiration. I'm determined to make something of myself.
- Bond: I have to do what my Demon Master commands.
- Flaw: The mortal World is unknown to me and holds many pleasures.
- Flaw: Sometimes my Demon Self is showing through (like bloodlust).
Nadarr's Rückkehr
Nach einer unendlich qualvollen Zeit verschwand endlich der Dämon aus Nadarr's Körper und er war wieder Herr seiner selbst, das hatte jedoch tiefe Spuren hinterlassen.
- Dale: ~1
- Maab: ~1 (hasst Maab, weil sie vom Dämon wusste und nichts gemacht hat)
- Die Gilde: +2
- Personality 1: Love to be the Hero.
- Personality 2: I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
- Ideal: Become my own self again.
- Bond: Cannot be alone anymore, but get panic attacks if I am touched.
- Flaw: Literally Tortured by the Demons of his past.