
Dn D 4 E-Houserules

(S)Kill Challenge

IMHO, while combat in 4E is fun, it is also quite time consuming which makes a long Dungeon a chore. Also random Encounters or unexpected attacks (Party attacks a single NPC) are mostly a boring time filler with no real challenge (one or two normal Monsters don't challenge a normal sized Party). So I thought that using the Skill Challenge Mechanic would be a good alternative for these "filler" Combats because I think they are quick and simple but still include the gory details of a fight.

Special Rules: To make it as simple and quick as possible, there is no board, no Power-Effects like Daze, Slide, etc. (these are just for describing your attack) and no bookmarking of Encounter Powers.

Attacks are simple Saves. If you make the save you gain a success, if not than you gain a failure and also loose a healing surge (a defender can take that for you).

Setup: Defeat the Monsters

Level: Average Monster Level

Complexity: Number of Monsters (4 Minions Count as one), maximum 5

Primary Skills: Attack and Utility Powers, appropriate Skills for Stunts

At-Will and Encounter Powers (save): The Power is used as a baseline for the description (Effects, damage, range, etc.). A well described or cleverly used Power will give a +2 Bonus to the Save.
Daily Attack or Daily Combat-Utility (save): See "At-Will and Encounter Powers", but the power get used up. In return you gain a Bonus Success in addition to the Success or Failure of the Save.
Stunts (hard or moderate): If you can think of a cool Stunt, then just use the appropriate skills on hard difficulty. If it can be done only once and is especially Clever you can roll it on moderate difficulty. Stunt Failures cost no healing surge.

Secondary Skills: appropriate Skills, Item-powers

Skills (Aid-Another): Instead of an Attack you can try to positions yourself better or help your friends.
Daily Item Power or Action Point (Free Action): You can re-roll a Die.


You have defeated your enemies and can now start to loot. ;)


Each failure on a Primary Skill costs you or an defender (if he agrees) an healing surge. After 3 Failures something bad happens like an Alarm, Capturing a NPC/Companion, Reinforcement arrives, an important Item got Stolen, etc...

Companion Abilities

The Companion Rules from the DMG2 are great, but the Abilities from the Roles are often to weak to be useful. So I made a few tweaks to make them more capable without overshadowing the Players.

Defenders: The Defender has the Defender Aura and Battle Guardian Features from the Knight (Heroes of the Fallen Lands).

Controller: Controllers start with an additional Encounter Power. They can also, once per Turn as a free action, extend an effect on an enemy to end at the end of his next turn, rather than his current turn.

Leader: Leaders gain the Healing Word Power from the Heroes of the Fallen Lands.

Striker: Once per turn, a striker deals 1d6 extra damage when he hits an enemy. This extra damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 21st level.

Diverse weitere Regeln

Ars-Ludi Initative:

Es wird einmal für die Monster gewürfelt und dann würfeln alle Spieler dagegen. Die Spieler mit einem höheren Wert beginnen, dann wechselt man zwischen den Monstern und den Spielern jeweils als Gruppe, bis der Kampf beendet ist. Die Spieler können selbst bestimmen in welcher Reihenfolge sie agieren.

Extended Rest alternative:

Diese Alternativ-Regel soll eine flexiblere Abenteuergestaltung ermöglichen und den Spieler nicht ständig einen "extended Rest" aufdrängen wenn man ein Abenteuertag mal lang wird.
  • Der "extended Rest" passiert nur mehr beim Levelaufstieg.
  • Bei Milestones gibt es keine Action Points mehr.
  • Bei jedem "short Rest" bekommt man eine der folgenden Dinge zurück/hinzu:
    • 1 Action Point
    • 1 Daily (oder Item-Daily)
    • 1/4 der Healing Surges (aufgerundet)