Dn D 4 E-Houserules
(S)Kill Challenge
IMHO, while combat in 4E is fun, it is also quite time consuming which makes a long Dungeon a chore. Also random Encounters or unexpected attacks (Party attacks a single NPC) are mostly a boring time filler with no real challenge (one or two normal Monsters don't challenge a normal sized Party). So I thought that using the Skill Challenge Mechanic would be a good alternative for these "filler" Combats because I think they are quick and simple but still include the gory details of a fight.
Special Rules: To make it as simple and quick as possible, there is no board, no Power-Effects like Daze, Slide, etc. (these are just for describing your attack) and no bookmarking of Encounter Powers.
Attacks are simple Saves. If you make the save you gain a success, if not than you gain a failure and also loose a healing surge (a defender can take that for you).
Setup: Defeat the Monsters
Level: Average Monster Level
Complexity: Number of Monsters (4 Minions Count as one), maximum 5
Primary Skills: Attack and Utility Powers, appropriate Skills for Stunts
Secondary Skills: appropriate Skills, Item-powers
Companion Abilities
The Companion Rules from the DMG2 are great, but the Abilities from the Roles are often to weak to be useful. So I made a few tweaks to make them more capable without overshadowing the Players.
Defenders: The Defender has the Defender Aura and Battle Guardian Features from the Knight (Heroes of the Fallen Lands).
Controller: Controllers start with an additional Encounter Power. They can also, once per Turn as a free action, extend an effect on an enemy to end at the end of his next turn, rather than his current turn.
Leader: Leaders gain the Healing Word Power from the Heroes of the Fallen Lands.
Striker: Once per turn, a striker deals 1d6 extra damage when he hits an enemy. This extra damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 21st level.
Diverse weitere Regeln
Extended Rest alternative:
- Der "extended Rest" passiert nur mehr beim Levelaufstieg.
- Bei Milestones gibt es keine Action Points mehr.
- Bei jedem "short Rest" bekommt man eine der folgenden Dinge zurück/hinzu:
- 1 Action Point
- 1 Daily (oder Item-Daily)
- 1/4 der Healing Surges (aufgerundet)