
Sister Althea Of The Order Of The Cleansing Water


FraktionAdepta Sororitas
KeywordsImperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas

Game Stats

Attributes and Traits
AttributevalueCombat Traits
Thoughness2 Resilience8 Wounds7 Determination2
Initiative2 Defence1
Willpower3 Shock6 Conviction4 Resolve2
Intellect3 passive Awareness1
Fellowship3 Influence3

Psychic Mastery00

Talents & Ascension

Orthopraxy - CRB p137
By HIS Will - CRB p142
Shield of Faith - CRB p144
Promethium Proficiency - CRB p138

  • Stay the course(Ascension)
    • +1 Influence
    • one Memorable Injury - torn ear, +1 Intimidation
    • two rare or one very rare Wargear of value 5 (each)
      • Diagnostor


  • Sororitas Power Armor
Armor +5, Strength +2 ;p233
  • Sororitas Vestments
Clothing, p236
  • Rule of the Sororitas
  • Chirurgeon Tools
  • Chain Bayonet
brutal ; p212

*Laspistol -> Pistol, Reliable ; p217

  • Diagnostor
  • Hand Flamer

Languages: Low Gothic, High Gothic


Adepta Sororitas

Origin +1 Conviction

Blessed Tomes - inspired the young noviciate deeply and she quotes them often.

Accomplishment +1 Max Wounds

Purge the Unclean - during the war on Cadia she helped wiping out a nest of corruption and lost most of the troops she was with, except for two soldiers and a Sister of Battle of the Order of the Valerous Heart named Vicotria. Her only real friend.

Goal +1 Max Shock

Martyrdom - during the events since the fall of Cadia, Althea prayed often and is now convinced that she will die a worthy death in service of the EMPEROR as a martyr.


Eye Color - speckled brown
Hair - ashy blonde, wavy and chin length
Detail - a smattering of freckles, a tattooed fleur-thelis on her left cheek
Age - 36
Height - 177cm
memorable injury - torn right ear

The Sororitas Power Armor of the Sister Hospitaller is white with red adornments. If there is no reason to wear a helmet, Althea wears a white hood with a red hem. Her right ear was torn during a combat, it looks horrible but her hearing is not imparied.
She is equiped with a chain bayonet mounted on the armors right hand and a laspistol on her belt as well as a medicaes chirurgeon's tools (CRB p235)and a copy of the rule of sororitas. Shortly before she received orders to accompany a ship of civilians, she received a diagnostor (CRB p237).
She also has a habit of humming or silently singing hymns to praise a Saint relevant for her work or to praise the EMPEROR.

The Questions

1. Where Are You From?

Althea is one of the orphans which the sisters of the Adepta Sororitas adopt and educate into their services. She had the honor to be educated in the convent prioris on Holy Terra itself as a Hospitaller of the Order of the Cleansing Water. Later on she was tasked to join a team of Sisters of Battle of the Order of the Valerous Heart, which were trained on Ophelia VII. There she met Victoria and Livia.

2. How Were You Raised?

Althea was raised and educated to be a kind and dedicated field medic. Her day consisted of prayers, learning the hymns, litanies and prayers of the Adepta Sosoritas, some basic battle training and hours of medical education as well as knowledge about many other things.

3. How Did You Join Your Faction?

By being adopted and educated by them.

4. Who Are Your Friends?

She was close with another novitiate on Holy Terra, but they soon lost contact after their duties pulled them apart into different corners of the Imperium of Man. When Althea was sent to assist a team of Sisters of the Order of the Valerous Heart, since she was closest to their mission, she befriended Victoria and Livia. Livia died on the mission as well as most of the soldiers and other sisters of battle. Althea is now afraid of befriending others, for fear of losing them and even tries to shut out Victoria.

5. What Are Your Most Significant Memories?

One of her first missions as combar medic was with a team of Sisters of Battle from the Order of the Sacred Rose on a small planet far away from holy Terra. They fought bitterly against Greenskins and barely won. Althea still owns the marble hand broken from an imperial monument which she toppled onto a group of Orcs to stop them from advancing on the fighting sisters of the Sacred Rose.

She lost most of the soldiers and sisters she faught with, against a group of heretics. Althea only managed to safe Alaric, Salem and the Sister Victoria. This left a deep wound in her soul and her right ear torn.

6. What Is Your Greatest Desire?

Althea wishes to find a world, yet to be (re)claimed by the Empire, where she can found a hospital and plant a herbal garden with medicinal plants for the patients to be treated there.

7. What Is Your Greatest Fear?

To be devoured by Chaos and fail in her service to the Emperor.

8. What Do You Believe In?

In the Emperor and the Saints of the Adepta Sororitas. Especially the Saints Ishani and Sarane.

9. To Whom, Or What, Are You Loyal?

She is a loyal believer and would never betray the EMPEROR of Mankind. If she had to choose between a friend and the EMPEROR, she would always choose the EMPEROR. Even if it hurts and means that she may have to kill her friend.

10. Why Are You In The Gilead System?

She accompanied the Sister Victoria to the Hornet and met MAGU-7 and Salem there. On their travel they encountered the Imperial Pride, Captain Taris Hargon, while fighting a Chaos vessel. Both ships tried to go through the warp and suddenly came into an unknown area with apparently no way to leave.

What Is Your Internal Conflict?

Althea wants to heal all souls and bodies of all humans, but some are beyond saving and therefor must be purged. Though sometimes, in her darkest moments, she doubts that mankind can endure and survive all the fighting and come out victorious.

How Is Your Character Different From You?

She has been indoctrinated since childhood to fight against anything, which is not human and will do so, without questioning it. She blindly believes in the Imperium of Man and simply cannot comprehend, how live could be different, if the humans started to accept the Xenos and stopped fighting the Chaos, since all are part of this universe.