

Attack Options


The Aim option allows you to sacrifice your Movement to focus on aiming a weapon. If you Aim, you cannot make a Movement but gain +1 bonus die to ranged attack Tests you make this Turn. You may also use Aim to ignore the penalty for firing at a target Engaged in melee (p.185) instead of gaining bonus dice.


You can Brace for firing a weapon with the Heavy trait instead of making a Movement. You must have a suitable surface to Brace against, a tripod, or another means of stabilising your weapon. If you Brace, you negate the Heavy weapon trait (p.209).

All-Out Attack

Embrace ultra-violence, throw caution to the wind, and put all of your effort into aggression. When making an All-Out Attack, you gain +2 bonus dice to your melee attack dice pool, but you also suffer −2 to your Defence until the start of your next Turn. You can’t take a Multi Action if you All-Out Attack. You can Multi-Attack as part of an All-Out Attack; all of your attacks gain the same bonus.


You can Charge a target as a Full-Round Action. When you Charge, you move up to double your Speed and make a melee attack Test with +1 bonus dice. You must move at least 4 metres to Charge.

Called Shot

Targeting opponents’ weak points often means the difference between success and failure. Firing at a heavily-armoured opponent is often futile, unless you hit the vulnerable joints. Such precise attacks are often very difficult, however. You can make an attack a called shot by declaring a target, such as a gap in some armour, an eye, or a vulnerable joint. Your attack suffers a DN penalty dependent on the size of your target, based on the Called Shots table on the next page, or determined by the GM. If you hit, you gain Extra Damage dice equal to the DN penalty.

Shot To Disarm Called shots may be used to disarm an opponent by shooting their weapon or the hand that holds it. If the attack hits, the victim must make a Strength Test against a DN equal to half the attack’s total Damage. If they fail, they drop their weapon. Using a called shot to disarm does not award additional ED, and the shot itself does not deal any Damage.

Shot To Bypass Armour Called shots may also bypass a target’s armour. This might include shooting at a target’s head who is not wearing a helmet or targeting an area of weaker armour. The GM determines how much armour you bypass when using this called shot.

Fall Back

You can use your Combat Action to fall back from close combat with any number of Threats. You may then use your Movement without suffering Reflexive Attacks from Engaged Threats (see Engaged Targets on p.184). Your Movement must take you at least half your Speed in metres away from the enemy, or as far as possible if this is impossible due to the environment.

Full Defence

You can use a Full-Round Action to focus on dodging incoming attacks. Your Speed is reduced by half, and you must make an Initiative Attribute Test. Until the end of your next Turn your Defence increases by 1, +1 for every Icon rolled in the Initiative Attribute Test. You can activate Full Defence as a '''Reflexive Action'''. If you do so, you can’t perform Movement, Combat Actions or Simple Actions on your next Turn.

Firing Into Melee

When using a ranged attack against a target who is Engaged in melee, there is a chance the shot goes awry. If the Wrath Die result is a 1, the ranged attack is made against a random target in the melee instead of the chosen target.

Choose one of the combatants randomly, excluding the intended target. If the Attack Test result beats their Defence, then roll damage against that new target. You may choose to shift Exalted Icons from the Attack Test to the damage roll after the target has been assigned as usual.

If you use the aim combat option, you can negate the penalties for firing into melee instead of taking the regular Aim bonus.


You can use your Combat Action to try to grapple a target you are Engaged with. Make an Opposed Strength Test with the target. If you win, you grapple the target. Once grappled, a character is Restrained and may only use one-handed weapons. To break free from a grapple, a character must succeed an Opposed Strength Test using a Combat Action. You may attempt to grapple multiple targets using a Multi-Attack, but you must be Engaged with all targets and you can’t grapple more targets than you have arms. Size plays an important role in grappling. A target gains +2 bonus dice to the Opposed Strength Test for every size category it is larger than you.

Hold Action

You may choose to wait and act later in the Round. To do so, announce you are holding your Combat Action instead of taking it during your Turn. You may announce you are using your held Combat Action at any point later in the Round. If you wish to Interrupt another character, you must succeed at an opposed Initiative Test. Failure means that the acting character takes their action first before you have the chance to intervene. If you don’t use your held Combat Action by the end of the Round it is lost.


You can attempt more than one Combat Action in a Round, but doing so makes all Combat Actions you take more difficult. You can’t take more than one Attack Action by using a Multi-Action. First, declare that you are making a Multi- Action, and say which actions you want to take. For every additional Action you declare, you suffer a +2 DN penalty to all Tests made as part of an Action that Turn. So, if you make two Actions, you have a +2 DN penalty on both of those Tests, and if you make three Actions you have a +4 DN penalty on all three Tests.


Multi-Attacks work similarly to Multi-Actions; every additional attack increases the Defence of every target by +2 for the purposes of the Multi-Attack. Each attack of your Multi-Attack must use the same weapon, and you cannot Shift as part of a Multi-Attack. Roll damage once, and apply the result to every target hit.

Example: Miklos is being assaulted by a Chaos Space Marine, supported by two Cultists. The Cultists each have a Defence of 2, and the Chaos Space Marine has a Defence of 4. Miklos decides to Multi-Attack all 3 targets with his Boltgun. As the Multi-Attack has 3 targets, +4 is added to each target’s Defence. The Cultists each have an effective Defence of 6, and the Chaos Space Marine has an effective Defence of 8. Miklos rolls to hit each target in turn, hitting the Chaos Space Marine and one of the Cultists, but not the other. He then rolls for damage once, and applies the damage to the Chaos Space Marine and Cultist that his Multi-Attack hit.

Thrown weapons can only be used in a Multi-Attack at the GM’s discretion. It may be possible to Multi-Attack with thrown weapons in some circumstances, such as throwing a spear through two people standing next to each other.

If you Multi-Attack with a melee weapon, you must move into Engagement with all targets. You provoke Reflexive Attacks from any targets you leave Engagement with during this attack. If you cannot reach a target, they are not hit by the Multi-Attack.

Pinning Attack

A Pinning Attack allows you to use suppressive fire to pin an enemy behind cover. If you have a ranged weapon with Salvo 1 or more, you can make a Pinning Attack as a Combat Action. A Pinning Attack deals no damage, and you must Reload to fire your weapon again after you make a Pinning Attack. The DN of a Pinning Attack is equal to the target’s Resolve. If you succeed, the target is Pinned (p.199) until the start of your next turn. You can Shift Icons to add additional targets on a 1-for-1 basis as long as they are within range and the Icons in your pool exceed the highest Resolve of all of your targets.

Salvo Options

Most ranged weapons have a Salvo rating which is used for the following options. After you use any of these options you must Reload your weapon before you can fire it again. A weapon with a Salvo of ‘-’ can’t be used for Salvo Options.

Full Auto You empty your entire clip firing at a single target. You can make a Full Auto ranged attack to gain a number of bonus dice to your attack Test equal to the weapon’s Salvo value.

Spray Shot You spray ammunition at multiple targets. You can make a Spray Shot as part of a Multi-Attack, reducing the DN of the Test by the weapon’s Salvo value. This can’t decrease the DN by more than the penalty imposed by the Multi-Attack.

Spray Shot Vs Mobs You can target a Mob with a Spray Shot as a Full- Round Action. Make a ranged attack Test against the Mob as normal. If your attack is successful, you hit an additional number of individuals in the Mob equal to the weapon’s Salvo value.

Other uses of Salvo See Pinning Attack and Pinned



You’re bleeding, afflicted with a grievous wound that is difficult to treat. You suffer one Mortal Wound at the end of each of your Turns. Bleeding can be stopped with a successful Toughness Test (DN 4), or if another character aids you with the Medicae Skill. You can attempt to use Medicae on yourself (see p,124) but do so at +1DN.


You’re unable to see properly. Increase the DN for any sight-related task (including all combat Tests) by 4, replacing any lesser vision penalties. At the GM’s discretion you may use a Combat Action to remove the Blinded condition, using a narratively appropriate Skill.


You are weary from battle or persistent effort and suffer from fatigue. On your Turn, you can only Walk or Crawl, perform a basic Combat Action (attack with no combat options, such as Aim or Multi-Attack), or Fall Back. Additionally, you may not roll Determination. Any Shock suffered by an Exhausted character is immediately converted into Mortal Wounds. Certain circumstances directly inflict Exhaustion. You are automatically Exhausted if your Shock increases beyond your Maximum Shock. Certain weapons, psychic powers, or Ruin Actions can also cause you to become Exhausted even while you are below your Maximum Shock. If you are Exhausted from a source other than exceeding your Maximum Shock, that effect determines how you remove the Exhausted condition. Otherwise, the Exhausted condition is removed whenever you recover Shock.


You’re scared. Whatever is causing your Fear might also make you anxious, or trigger physical reactions like rapid breathing, shaking, and a lack of focus. When you encounter something that causes Fear, you roll your Resolve against a DN dictated by the source of Fear. Success allows you to act normally. If you fail, you suffer +2DN to all Tests. The penalty lasts until the end of the scene or until an ally passes a Leadership (Wil) Test of DN 2 + the source’s Fear value. A being that causes Fear is immune to Fear and Intimidation Interaction Attacks.


Whether whipped into a zealous fury or auto injecting Frenzon combat stims, you’re Frenzied. You lose all sense of self-preservation and throw yourself into the thick of combat.

When you become Frenzied, you may choose to embrace the frenzy or attempt to resist it. If you choose to resist, at the start of your Turn make a DN 3 Willpower Test. If you pass, the rage subsides and you resist the frenzy.

If the effect is triggered, embraced, or otherwise not resisted, you are Frenzied and must try to get into close combat as quickly as possible, charging the nearest visible enemy. If you are in cover, you break cover and move towards the nearest enemy.

While Frenzied, you are immune to Fear and cannot be Pinned and must always use the All-Out Attack option, if possible. You gain +1 to your Strength Attribute While Frenzied.


Something’s holding you back. While Hindered increase the DN for all Tests by +1, or higher if the rules of whatever is hindering you say so. Hindered lasts until the end of the next Turn, unless otherwise stated.

On Fire

You’re on fire! You take 1d3 Mortal Wounds at the start of each of your Turns. You may then use your Action to throw yourself Prone and roll around in an attempt to extinguish the fire with a DN 3 Athletics (S) Test. If you succeed you are no longer On Fire.

Alternatively, you can attempt to ignore the flames and take your Turn as normal. Make a DN 3 Willpower Test; if you fail, you are Hindered.


You’re under heavy fire, and there’s a chance your Resolve will break under pressure. If you are targeted with a Pinning Attack, you may be Pinned.

If someone uses a Pinning Attack against you, they make a Ballistic Skill (A) Test against your Resolve. If they succeed you are Pinned until the start of the attacker’s next Turn. If you’re behind cover, you hunker down. If you aren’t behind cover, you immediately move to the nearest cover, using your Movement for your next Turn. While Pinned, you can’t leave cover, but may take other Actions as normal. You suffer a +2 DN penalty to Ballistic Skill (A) Tests when you target an enemy using a Pinning Attacks against you.

You may attempt to rally Pinned comrades on your Turn by making a Leadership (Wil) Test as an Action, with a DN equal to the enemy weapon’s Salvo value, adding an extra +1 DN if a Pinned character has taken any damage (Shock or Wounds) during the combat. If the Test is successful, you rally any Pinned allies within 5 metres, ending the effect.


You’ve been inflicted with one of the galaxy’s countless pathogens, plagues, or viruses. You could be suffering from neurotoxins injected into your system, alien acid splashed on you, or Nurgle’s contagions. All of these dangers leave you Poisoned.

You suffer a +2 DN penalty to all Tests while Poisoned. Some poisons also inflict damage based on the poison. Some poisons may affect your ability to function instead of, or in addition to, causing damage. The Poisoned condition ends when you are treated using the Medicae Skill or you succeed on a Toughness Test (DN based on the poison) at the beginning of your Turn.


You’re knocked down on the ground. Your Defence is reduced by 2 against any attack made by a Threat within 5 metres of you. Your Defence is increased by 1 when you’re attacked from 6 or more metres away. If you become Prone while flying, you fall to the ground and suffer falling damage (p.201).

Standing up when Prone is a Free Action on your Turn. If you stand up in this way, you can only use the Standard Movement option; you can’t use combat options such as Brace or Aim. An adjacent character may use a Simple Action to help you stand up immediately when you’re Prone.


You’re bound, possibly by some form of entangling attack such as an Genestealer Cultist Webber, a Barbed Strangler, or a good old-fashioned net.

While Restrained you can’t use your Movement and your Defence is reduced by 2.


You’re off balance; you’ve run too fast over rough terrain, ordnance has impacted nearby, or you’ve been clipped by a stray bullet.

When you move While Staggered, your Speed is reduced by half. You can’t Run or Sprint unless otherwise stated. The Staggered condition lasts until the end of your next Tun.


You’re overcome with a sense of intense dread and rational thought becomes impossible: this is allconsuming Terror.

Make a Resolve Test against the DN of the source of Terror. If you pass, you may act normally on your Turn. If you fail, you suffer all of the effects of Fear, and you must use every action available on each of your Turns to move as far away as possible until you no longer have line of sight to the source of Terror. Terror lasts until the end of the scene or until an ally passes a Leadership (Wil) Test of DN 2 + the Terror value.

Any effect that grants a bonus to Fear Tests also applies to Terror Tests. Any effect that grants immunity to Fear grants one extra Icon on your Resolve Test against Terror. A being that causes Terror is immune to Fear, Terror, and Intimidation Interaction Attacks.


Your defences are open! While Vulnerable, you suffer −1 to your Defence. Certain abilities and effects increase this penalty. Being Vulnerable lasts until the end of your next Turn.




Designed to inflict maximum pain, these weapons damage mind and morale as much as body.

Every Wound inflicted by an Agonising weapon also inflicts 1 Shock.

Arc (X)

The deadly electrical discharge of Arc weapons scrambles vehicle technology.

Arc weapons gain +ED equal to their rating when you use them to attack a vehicle.


Optimised for firing whilst rushing righteously towards the enemy.

You can fire an Assault weapon as part of a Sprint (p.180), but take a +2 DN penalty to the attack.

Blast (X)

Explosive weapons can devastate multiple enemies with a single attack.

When you fire or throw a Blast weapon, choose any point in range (including another character!), then make a DN 3 Ballistic Skill (A) Test. Apply Range effects as normal (p.184) unless you are using a thrown weapon like a grenade. If you fail the Test, the attack misses and Scatters (p,186). If you succeed, the explosion is centered on your target.

If you are measuring distance, the Blast rating determines the radius of the explosion in metres. Anyone inside this radius is hit by the attack.

If you are targeting a Mob or using a simplified theater of the mind approach, the number of nearby individuals hit by the explosive is equal to half the Blast rating.

You cannot Shift to increase the damage of a Blast weapon. If you inflict a Critical Hit with a Blast weapon, the effects apply to all targets hit by the attack.

Blast RatingMob TargetsExamples
21Micro Grenade
63Frag Grenade
105Frag Missile
2010Battle Cannon Shell
3015Quake Cannon Shell


Brutal weapons inflict appalling, traumatic wounds. When you roll Extra Damage Dice for a Brutal weapon:

  • Results of 1 and 2 inflict 0 Damage.
  • Results of 3 and 4 inflict 1 Damage.
  • Results of 5 and 6 inflict 2 Damage.


Psykers can channel the power of the Warp through the etheric circuit patterns and psycho-reactive materials of these weapons.

If you have the PSYKER Keyword, you may add half of your (Wil) Rating to a Force weapon’s Damage Value.

If you don’t have the PSYKER Keyword, a Force weapon’s damage is decreased by 2.


Flamers spew a stream of burning chemical liquid. The flowing torrent of flame can be guided by the wielder of a Flamer to set multiple foes ablaze.

Attacks made with a Flamer ignore cover. If you hit a target with a Flamer, blazing liquid fills the space between you and your target in a straight line. Anything in that line is also hit by the attack.

You can Shift when you make a ranged attack Test with a Flamer to arc the stream of burning chemicals a number of metres equal to your Ballistic Skill Rating. Anything in this arc is hit by the attack.

Whenever you hit multiple targets, roll damage once and apply that damage to all targets. Any target may attempt to reduce the damage using the rules for Dodging Area Effect Attacks on p.186.

A weapon with the Flamer Trait is considered to have the Inflict On Fire Trait.

Heavy (X)

Large and cumbersome weapons are difficult to wield accurately and effectively.

You must have a Strength equal to the Heavy weapon’s rating to fire it normally. All attacks with a Heavy weapon are made with a +2 DN penalty if you do not meet the minimum Strength, and rolling a Complication as part of an attack knocks you Prone in addition to any other effects.

Taking the Brace (p.189) Action or securing a Heavy weapon to something like a tripod negates the Heavy Trait.

Inflict (Condition)

These weapons are designed to harm the target in cruel and unusual ways.

Every Inflict weapon has a Condition that it imposes on the target if it deals a Wound. For example, if a weapon with Inflict (On Fire) deals a Wound to a target, the target is On Fire.

If an Inflict weapon has a number, that number determines the number of any Test made to remove the Condition. For example, if a weapon with Inflict (Poisoned 4) Wounds a target, they are Poisoned, and the target would need to make a DN 4 Toughness Test to recover at the beginning of their next turn.


You can replace this weapon Trait with any other Weapon Trait of your choice when you acquire a weapon with this Trait. If the Trait you select has a Rating (X), roll 1d3 to determine the Rating.


The sub-atomic bursts that spew from these weapons melt flesh and reduce armour to slag. When you roll Extra Damage Dice for a Melta weapon fired at Short Range:

  • Results of 1 and 2 inflict 0 Damage.
  • Results of 3 and 4 inflict 1 Damage.
  • Results of 5 and 6 inflict 2 Damage.

When you roll Extra Damage Dice for a Melta weapon fired against a vehicle or fortification at Short range:

  • Results of 1, 2 and 3 inflict 1 Damage.
  • Results of 4, 5 and 6 inflict 2 Damage.


You can use these weapons to deflect blows. You gain +1 Defence against melee attacks while wielding a Parry weapon.


Built light to be drawn quickly and used in close quarters. Pistols can be fired while Engaged (p.184).

Rad (X)

The dangerous radioactive materials fired by these weapons irrevocably damage flesh. When you roll Extra Damage Dice for a Rad weapon, you add the Rating to the results of the dice.

[-Example: Sara fires a Radium Pistol at a Combat Servitor. She hits, and Shifts an Exalted Icon for an additional Extra Damage Die. She rolls the 2 ED with the following results: 2, 4. Just one Icon, so one extra

Damage.-] [-Because the Radium Pistol is Rad (2), she adds 2 to the result of each ED, meaning her final results are: 4, 6. An Icon and an Exalted Icon for 3 extra Damage!-]

Rapid Fire (X)

These weapons are capable of quickly unleashing a hail of death at close range.

If you hit with a Rapid Fire weapon at Short Range, you gain Extra Damage Dice equal to the weapon’s Rapid Fire rating.


A rugged and easily maintained weapon. You can ignore the first Complication related to this weapon per scene. Tests made to repair or maintain Reliable weapons are made with +1 bonus die.

Rending (X)

These powerful weapons punch through armour. When you Shift an Exalted Icon as part of an attack with a Rending weapon, the weapon’s AP improves by the Rending rating for that attack. Example: Fian fires his Shuriken Pistol at a Genestealer. Normally, a Shuriken Pistol has AP 0. Fian’s shot hits, and he Shifts an Exalted Icon for an additional Extra Damage Die. Because he Shifted an Exalted Icon, the Shuriken Pistol’s Rending (3) activates, meaning that for this attack the pistol has AP -3!


These stealthy weapons are designed to deal damage as quietly as possible. When a weapon with this Trait is used as part of an attack, your Stealth Score is only reduced by 2.

Sniper (X)

Weapons optimised for high accuracy over long range. When you Aim with a Sniper weapon you gain an additional + 1 bonus die to the attack, and gain +ED equal to the weapon’s Sniper rating.


These wide-bore weapons wreak havoc on closely packed combatants.

When fired at Short Range, a Spread weapon can hit any number of targets as long as they are all within 3 metres of one another. When you fire a Spread Weapon at a Mob you gain +3 bonus dice. Example: Kira aims her Shotgun, waiting for the two Khornate Cultists charging her to get into Short Range. She fires, and as the two Cultists were close together and her weapon has Spread, the GM rules that both of them are hit by the wide blast of shot. Enemies in a Mob are assumed to be close together; if the Khornate Cultists had been in a Mob, Kira would have gained +Rank bonus dice, potentially hitting more targets.


The super-heated matter plasma weapons fire can be overcharged with undeniably deadly results for the target and, occasionally, the wielder. You can choose to fire a weapon with this Trait in Supercharge mode. If you roll a Complication, you take 1d6 Mortal Wounds. If you hit, the weapon deals an additional +3 ED.

Unwieldy (X)

Whether unbalanced or too large, some weapons are harder to use. Attacks made with Unwieldy weapons have their DN increased by an amount equal to their Unwieldy rating.



Ork weapons defy understanding; they break the laws of mechanics and physics, but a Greenskin’s beliefs make them all the more deadly. If you are an Ork, you gain +1 bonus die to attacks with a WAAAGH! weapon. If you are also Wounded (p.193), you deal an extra +1 ED.

Warp Weapons Powered by psychic energy, xenos technology, or the raw force of Chaos, few can face these ungodly weapons and emerge unharmed.

A Warp Weapon has a Damage value equal to the target’s Total Resilience –4, unless the weapon’s listed Damage is higher.


Bulk (X)

Heavy and restrictive armour possesses the Bulk trait. Bulk reduces the Speed of the wearer by a number of metres equal to its rating.


Large suits of armour can severely restrict movement. You cannot Run or Sprint in Cumbersome armour.

’Ere We Go!

The latent psychic power of an Ork empowers their armour, allowing them to fight harder when harmed. An Ork wearing armour with this Trait ignores the Bulk and Cumbersome Traits when Wounded.

Power Field

Wonders of archeotech, personal Power Fields envelope their user in a protective barrier of energy.

Armour with this Trait allows you to roll Determination against attacks that deal Mortal Wounds.

Powered (X)

This armour is designed to augment the wearer’s might through the marvels of mechanisation. Whilst wearing armour with this Trait you gain a Strength bonus equal to the rating. Additionally, you are not knocked Prone when you roll a Complication while firing an unsecured Heavy weapon.


Wielded like a defensive weapon, shields are carried instead of worn, and used to deflect incoming attacks. Armour with this Trait adds its AR to your Defence and Resilience, provided the GM agrees you can manoeuvre the shield to block the attack.

Primitive Armour

Rarely capable of withstanding the horrors of the 41st Millennium, this can encompass anything from thick beast pelts to scaly xenos leathers to full suits of roughly hammered metal plates.


Woven from impact-resistant micro fibres, bodygloves offer discreet protection and can be concealed under clothing or layered under heavier armour.


Any Armour Rating marked with an asterisk (*) is Invulnerable.

If you are wearing Invulnerable Armour, AP does not affect your Resilience.



XP Cost: 20
Requirements: Ballistic Skill Rating 2+
Effect: You are a skilled shot, trained to carefully target your enemies’ weak points. When you take the aim action and make a Called Shot you double the bonus ED you receive.


XP Cost: 20

Requirements: IMPERIUM Keyword

Effect: The litanies of His holy word have burned themselves deep in your memory. You can recite hymns and prayers to the Emperor by rote, and can use them to bolster your mind. As a Simple Action you can begin mentally reciting Ecclesiastical liturgies. As long as you sacrifice your Simple Acion in this way, you gain +1 bonus Willpower, for a maximum of Double Rank Rounds. You can’t use this Talent again until you complete a Respite.

By His Will


Effect: The depth of your faith allows you to call upon the God-Emperor to assist you when you work with another of His children.

You gain +1 Faith.

When you Help a character with the IMPERIUM Keyword, you add triple the number of bonus dice if you spend 1 Faith.

Shield Of Faith

XP Cost: 20 Requirements: ADEPTA SORORITAS Keyword, Willpower Rating 3+

Effect: Your indomitable belief steels your mind against Warp-witchery.

You gain +1 Faith.

As a Reflexive Action, you may spend 1 Faith to ignore a psychic power or effect (including Perils of the Warp) until the end of the Round. You may spend an additional Faith to grant the same bonus to all allies with the IMPERIUM keyword within 15 + Double Rank metres.

Special Weapon Trooper

Effect: You may select one of the following weapons as standard Wargear, replacing your primary weapon: Hot-Shot Volley Gun.

Promethium Proficiency

XP Cost: 20

Requirements: IMPERIUM Keyword

Effect: You have been trained in the use of the Emperor’s holy fire. When using weapons with the Inflict On Fire Trait, you gain +Rank ED to any damage rolls. Once per Round, you may gain 1 Wrath when you kill an enemy of the Imperium using a weapon with the Inflict On Fire Trait.