
Preacher Meltemiel

Personal data

ArchetypMinistorum priest
KeywordsImperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adeptus Militarum

Game Stats

Attributes and Traits
AttributevalueCombat Traits
Thoughness4 Resilience9* Wounds8 Determination4
Initiative4 Defence3
Willpower4 Shock6 Conviction4 Resolve3
Intellect2 passive Awareness0
Fellowship4 Influence6

Psychic Mastery00

Talents & Ascension

  • Fiery Invective, p. 92

You can preach the word of the Imperial Creed as a Free Action once per combat. You and all allies with the IMPERIUM Keyword heal 1d3+Rank Shock.

  • Death or Glory, p. 131

Effect: Even when terrified, you can summon the courage to mount a ferocious attack. Whenever you are required to make a Fear Test, you may choose to instantly Charge the source of Fear, if you are able to, and make a single melee attack. Make the Fear Test after this attack resolves if the target is still alive. If you are in combat after the Fear Test resolves, you sacrifice your first Turn.

  • Furious Charge, p. 134

Effect: You have practised closing distance to a foe with speed; swinging your weapon whilst running has become second nature. You gain +Rank to any melee attack you make as part of a Charge (p.188).

  • Gallows Humour, p. 134

Effect: You find humour in the darkest of places, and can use it to bolster the resolve of your allies. You can take a Simple Action to make a grim joke whenever you are Wounded or are suffering from a Condition, as long as you are still able to speak. Make a DN 2 Fellowship Attribute Test. If you succeed, you and any allies that can hear you recover Shock eqaul to your Rank plus the number of Icons rolled.

  • Inspired Blessing, p. 143
Effect: Your blessings invoke the majesty of the God-Emperor, uplifting your allies and reinforcing their determination.

You gain +1 Faith. You may make an inspirational statement or prayer as a Combat Action. When you do so, spend 1 Faith to restore 1d3 + Double Rank Shock to you and all allies with the IMPERIUM keyword within 15 + Double Rank metres.

  • Demanding Patron, p. 151

Story Element: You now report to a demanding patron between every adventure. Immediately gain +2 Influence


  • Common clothes
Protection from the elements
  • Ministorum Robes
For the manifestation of the true priest
  • Chainsword
Brutal, Parry - Dam: (S) + 5, ED: 4, AP: 0
  • Rosarius
Power Field - AR: *4
  • Missionary Kit
Effect: +1 bonus die to Persuasion (Fel) Tests made involving converts to the Imperial Creed and those seeking redemption through the grace of the God-Emperor.
  • Data-Slate
Effect: You can record any information transferable from a cogitator, such as local maps, familial records, or manufactorum outputs, onto your Data-Slate.
  • Ration Packs
Effect: Filling if unappetising, the bars, bricks, powders, and pastes in a standard Ration Pack contain enough nutriment to feed an adult Human for one day.
  • Uplifting Primer
Effect: +1 bonus die to Scholar (Int) Test. A Complication on the Test means that the user learns potentially dangerous misinformation as determined by the GM.

link to keywords in FAQ via

"keyword" is the exact name as in the book with 
all lower case and spaces replaced with _
Text is whatever
example: [[FAQ#pinned_attack|Link to pinned attack]]


Age: 24
Eyes: umbra
Skin: coffee
Hair: (shaved)
Height: 1,55 m / 5'1"
Feature: constantly humming hymns
Memorable injury: Battle scar; left along the calotte
Trinket: A clockwork replica of an attack bike that sparks and runs in circles when wound.

Origin: Tithed: As a child you were given unto the Ecclesiarchy’s charge as part of a family tradition. You have spent your cloistered life in devout study of the Imperial Cult.
Accomplishment: Breaker of Heretics: You personally destroyed a heretical movement. The sight of such blasphemy was enough to twist your stomach, but your righteous anger served you well. - Influence + 1
Goal: Pilgrimage: You feel driven to undertake a pilgrimage, one that will surely test your faith to become one of the blessed.

1. Where Are You From?

Raised in an orphanage on Dimmamar and brought up to believe in the Emperor from an early age.

2. How Were You Raised?

Accompanied a priest on military campaigns as an altar boy.

3. How Did You Join Your Faction?

When he was old enough to decide for himself, his greatest pride was to be accepted into the ranks of the College of Priests.

4. Who Are Your Friends?

Gezrael, the priest who took me under his wing
Jestilla, an officer that I quickly learnt to respect

5. What Are Your Most Significant Memories?

How I was awarded my position.
How I survived an orc attack on the front line.
The first sight of the new world we came to.

6. What Is Your Greatest Desire?

To be able to act specifically on the front line, preferably in the ranks of the crusaders. To be so influential that I can neutralise heretics in our own ranks.

7. What Is Your Greatest Fear?

Fighting against our own people; we must stand united against the onslaught of chaos'

8. What Do You Believe In?

I am a true believer in the imperial creed

9. To Whom, Or What, Are You Loyal?

I am loyal to my faith, my superiors and the Emperor. My life for mankind.

10. Why Are You In The Gilead System?

I came here as part of a fleet, travelling through the system in search of wisdom and experience.

11. What Is Your Internal Conflict?

That he places his faith and doctrine above people, despite or because there have always been people in the hierarchy of the church who have used it for their own purposes...

12: How Is Your Character Different From You?

Placing his faith and doctrine above people, killing for it and boasting about it

Planned Talents:

  • In his Name, p. 143
Effect: You have spent time studying the holy writings of the Cult Imperialis and can invoke hallowed passages to sway others.

You gain +1 Faith. Whenever you target a character with the IMPERIUM Keyword with a Persuasion or Leadership Test, you can spend 1 Faith to add +Double Rank bonus dice to your pool.

  • Repent!, p. 144
Effect: The righteousness of your indignation rings in the ears of those true to the Imperial Cult

You gain +1 Faith. You can attempt to force another adherent of the Imperial Cult to repent using the force of your will. Spend 1 Faith and make an opposed Intimidation (Wil) Test against your target with +Rank bonus dice. If you are in combat, this takes a Combat Action. If you succeed on the Test and the target has the IMPERIUM Keyword, they kneel and repent for Double Rank x 10 seconds.

  • Duty Until Death, p. 133
Effect: Your ardent faith in the Emperor allows you to push beyond the limits of injury to act in His will, at a cost to your physical form.

Whenever you suffer more Wounds than your Max Wounds, you can use this Talent. You may take your next Turn normally; you begin Dying at the end of that Turn. You may choose to take your next Turn immediately after activating this Talent, potentially interrupting an enemy’s Turn. If you roll a Complication on any Test, you take a Traumatic Wound.

  • Flagellant, p. 134
Effect: You have dedicated your pain to the service of the Emperor.

At the start of each day, you must spend 20 minutes (Terran standard) in prayer, and inflict Wounds to yourself equal to your Tier through self-flagellation. You may not roll Determination against these Wounds or allow them to be healed by any method other than through a Respite. As long as you are wounded in this way, you gain +Rank bonus dice to your Determination and Conviction rolls and may choose to become Frenzied (p.199) as a Combat Action. If you also have the Frenzy Talent, you may become Frenzied as a Simple Action. If you fail to flagellate yourself, you are overcome with shame and take a +2 DN penalty to all Tests until you flagellate again.

  • Tenacious, p.140
Effect: You have an uncanny knack for mental perseverance.

You recover 1 Shock for every Exalted Icon you roll when you roll Determination (p.196).

  • Counter Attack, p. 131
Effect: You are a master of melee combat, able to find an opening in your opponent’s guard when they attack.

You can use this Talent whenever an enemy targets you with a melee attack. After the enemy has completed their attack, you may make a single melee attack against that enemy. This is treated as your Reflexive Action, but you may Counter Attack up to Rank times per Round. You may not apply any other Talents, Abilities, or combat options to a Counter Attack. If you Counter Attack, you cannot take any Move Actions on your next turn.