
Phylis Arbeitet Das Sun Blade In Ihre Rüstung Ein

"Working?", Liadhain asks as she sits down next to Phylis. The gnome simply nods, focused on the metal gauntlet sitting on the floor in front of her, bits and pieces spread around it. Welded into the back of the glove is an ornamented sword hilt.

"Is that the holy weapon? You're not dismantling it, are you?" Liadhain asks, her voice betraying her concern.

Phylis looks up at her. "I wouldn't dare. That spirit gave me a mission together with the sword. I won't accept one half and reject the other." She turns towards the gauntlet, moving some pieces into position over the hilt before fastening them with her tools. "However, I'll have a hard time living up to her legacy if I can't make use of it. And the sword is no good in my condition if I have to wield it the traditional way."

"So you're building it into the gauntlet? And it still works, just like that?"

Phylis grins. "How many things have you seen work 'just like that'?" Then her expression grows more serious. "You know, I'm actually more confident that the blade will work than in the other half of the deal."

It takes Liadhain a short while to understand Phylis' meaning. "Oh. You mean your holy mission?"

Phylis carefully puts her tools down and leans back. "Yep, my 'holy mission'. Here I am, a gnome cripple, known among my kin as undercover agent of the Lord's Alliance, and for that cursed accident. Not exactly your knight in shining armour, right? Yet all of a sudden I am expected to live up to her legacy. 'Just like that', as you put it."

Liadhain looks at her. "Who's expecting you to live up to it? I didn't hear any of our group saying that."

"I am."

Liadhain seems to have no answer to that, so for a while there is only silence between them. Finally, Phylis sighs and picks up her tools again. "I always knew there would be no going back to how things were ... before. Even with the armour giving me back all my limbs, I'm not near as nimble as I used to be. I am, however, a lot more conspicuous."

Again left without a good answer, Liadhain simply shifts into a more comfortable position and watches the gnome work. Phylis starts to carefully put the gauntlet mechanism back together, working in silence as Liadhain sits next to her. It takes the gnome a few minutes to put everything back into place. When she is done, she slides the gauntlet back onto her lower arm. It connects to the rest of the armour with a mechanical click.

As Phylis rises and stretches herself, she looks to Liadhain with grateful eyes and nods. "Thanks for being there."

Liadhain simply smiles in response as Phylis carefully extends the hand with the gauntlet and moves it around.

"You know, when I picked up that blade and the statue's eyes locked on mine ... I was ... it felt like ... " Phylis seems lost for words.

"The touch of the divine is not something that can be easily put into words.", Laidhain says as she herself rises. "When I was ordained, it was ... I felt like ..." her eyes loose focus briefly as she searches for words, a small shiver running down her spine.

"Yeah", Phylis smiles as she extends a blade of shining energy from her glove, then retracts it, "just like that."