Datum | Abenteuer | Spieler |
2023/10/21 | 0-Session 0 und Intro | Christian, Patrick, Dominik, Helmut |
2023/11/04 | 1-The Village of the Day before | Christian, Domnik, Helmut, Astrid |
2023/11/18 | 2-Roads End Inn | Christian, Domnik, Helmut, Astrid, Patrick |
2023/12/02 | 3-Gildenunterstützung | Christian, Helmut, Astrid, Patrick, Stefan |
2024/01/13 | 4-Temple of the Purple Flame | Christian, Helmut, Astrid, Stefan |
2024/01/28 | 5-Die grausame Wildnis | Christian, Helmut, Patrick, Andre (temporär als Orla Moonsilver) |
2024/02/10 | 6-Castle of the Raven | Christian, Patrick, Andre, Astrid |
2024/02/24 | 7-Castle of the Raven II | Christian, Helmut, Patrick, Andre, Astrid, Stefan |
2024/03/09 | 8-Chaos auf der Hasenfarm | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Stefan |
2024/03/23 | 9-Die Reise zur Nebelinsel | Christian, Helmut, Andre |
2024/04/06 | 10-Der Kristallgarten | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Stefan, Astrid |
2024/04/27 | 11-Solflamra's Befreiung | Christian, Helmut, Andre |
2024/05/04 | 12-Oracle Cave | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Astrid |
2024/05/18 | 13-A Story about Orcs, Culstists and a Knight | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Stefan |
2024/06/01 | 14-Fort Malus | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Stefan, Astrid |
2024/06/29 | 15-Chromus der Angebeetete | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Astrid |
2024/08/10 | 16-Fleckies kurze Existenz | Christian, Helmut, Andre |
2024/09/07 | 17-Troll's Spire | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Stefan |
2024/09/21 | 18-Heimwärts | Christian, Helmut, Andre, Astrid |
2024/11/02 | 19-Pandemie in Outskirt | Christian, Helmut, Andre, David |
2024/11/30 | 20-Eine versumpfte Reise | Christian, Andre, David, Astrid |