

Barbarian (new Version)

Prime Attribute:Constitution
Hit Die: d12
Alignment: Any
Weapons: Any
Armor: Chain Shirt, Cuir Bouille, Hide, Laminar Leather, Leather, Leather Coat, Padded, Ring Mail and Studded Leather

1 d12 +0 0
2 d12 +1 2101
3 d12 +2 4701
4 d12 +3 9401
5 d12 +4 20,001
6 d12 +5 40,001
7 d12 +6 80,001
8 d12 +7 170,001
9 d12 +8 340,001
10 d12 +9 600,001
11 +5 +10 800,001
12 +5 +11 1,000,001

Combat Sense: As by the PHB.
Primal Will: As by the PHB.
Primal Force: As by the PHB
Primal Might: As by the PHB.

Primal Fury:
The barbarian (starting at 1st level) can call upon a power full of pure fury and anger. It takes one round to enter this apparent and incredible rage. On the next round the barbarian gains phenomenal strength and stamina, allowing him to decimate opponents without restraint.

When in a rage, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage, +2 bonus to hit points/level, and a +2 to Wisdom saves. However, because of his recklessness, the barbarian suffers a -2 penalty to Armor Class, and -2 to Intelligence-related checks. A rage lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + the characters level. At the end of the rage, the barbarian is fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, -10 feet of movement, and can’t run for the rest of the encounter).

The Rage later improves at higher level. At 6th level, the barbarian can undergo the rage twice a day and bonuses to-hit and damage increase to +3. At 10th level, he can rage three times a day. At 12th level, bonuses to-hit and damage increase to +4.

Scale (DEX):
The barbarian can climb dangerous slopes, cliffs, trees, etc. that others would find incredibly difficult, if not impossible. With a successful Dexterity check, the character may move one half of their movement across, up, or down the obstacle. With a failed check, the character makes no progress. A failed check by 5 or more indicates that the character has fallen and that appropriate falling damage should be dealt. Nothing can be held in the hands while climbing, and this ability can only be used outdoors.

Survival (WIS):
In a wilderness environment, the barbarian is king. He knows where north is at any given time, can provide food, water, and shelter for himself and some companions, and knows what parts of the environment are dangerous and which are benign.

The barbarian can do any one of these things with a Survival check: Provide food for up to 6 people in the wilderness, determine where north is in relation to where he is currently, and avoid natural haphazards and traps. To forage for food or water (depending on location), a barbarian, must hunt for 1d4+4 hours. After the hunt, a successful Wisdom check indicates that the hunt was fruitful. A number of 1d6 people are fed. The barbarian may continue to hunt if he wishes but, no more than 12 hours a day can be spent foraging. With a successful check, a barbarian can determine north in relation to his current location. A failed check indicates that he points to the wrong direction, possibly getting lost afterwards, determined by the CK. When wandering through the wilderness, a barbarian may use his acute nature sense to determine which paths to take to avoid obstacles or natural dangers (heavy swamps, thick forest, quicksand, etc.). With a successful Wisdom check, the barbarian can lead his companions through the “safest” way in a wilderness, avoiding natural hap hazards in the process. The CK determines what a failed check entails exactly.